4 P’s to Productivity

2022 is almost here, and a lot of people are wondering how can they accomplish more in this next year. Productivity connotes that you produce quality work that others that you are called to impact can benefit from. What do you plan to create and build in 2022 so that others can be positively impacted?

4 P’s to Productivity 

  1. Purpose-Driven. Your why to be a “producer” has to be driven by your purpose. You produce quality work when you understand what issue you were born to solve on the earth. Having God lead you to fulfill your purpose is going to allow you to build work that is eternal. 

  2. Prosper from Pain. You may find your “why” in life if you heal from a painful past. Instead of allowing painful moments to govern your life, learn how to prosper from the pain you have experienced. Heal so that you can create art from a purified place. Undealt with internal bruises leads to self-sabotage, procrastination, overthinking, and second-guessing.

  3. Planning and Time Blocking. With God, you should write in a document what He shows you should happen in your life. You have to write out how you are going to reach certain markers in your spiritual journey, career, family, etc. Do not allow life to simply happen to you. Plan what you can. You can make adjustments if the plan does not turn out the way you wanted. Plan your days well by using time blocking. Time blocking means chunking time in your day to complete certain tasks. Make sure to not allow anybody to corrode at your time during these time blocking sessions unless it is an emergency. Stay focused on that task during that time-blocking moment. 

  4. Pressure and Sacrifices. When you have certain goals for your time, you have to plan to make sacrifices in other areas. Do not stay frustrated with the pressure to make sacrifices. Think about the generations of people who will be positively impacted because of the unusual sacrifices you made now to help people on their journey. Being an efficient leader is about making sacrifices that will benefit other people.

2022 is going to be a productive year for those who are focused on purpose, healing, time management, and sacrifices.

I want to help coach you to produce your book! If you know that it is time for you to write the book that has been inside of you, join our winter 2022 cohort year here at tokunbotheleader.com.

The payment plan option closes on November 30th! Grab your seat today to get started on your prework early! 

Produce new work with you soon!

-Coach Tokunbo


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