5 Ways to Master Balance

The Purpose Party 2021!

If you are a leader that is always looking to evolve, one of the greatest areas of frustration can be always trying to find a balance. You want to make sure you are present for your family, working on your health, crushing it at your career, and so forth.  Be easy on yourself as you create your own definition for BALANCE in this new season of your life!

Balance is having the ability to prioritize and focus on different areas of your life where you want to see increased enhancement. Balance connotes that you want certain areas of your life to still have your attention so that you can see them grow and blossom. Oftentimes we mistake not having balance in an area as not caring for it. You can care for an area of your life, but not have the bandwidth or the capacity to focus on that area in the current season of your life. 

5 Ways to Master Balance

  1. Label and understand what season you are in. Be clear about what season God has you in. We will often know what is important to pay attention to in various seasons of our lives because we know what season we are in. 

  2. Understanding Constants and Variables- There are some areas of your life that you can never afford to neglect. You have to be very clear about what you know that you cannot drop the ball on in your life. These are your constants. For example, if you are a parent, you cannot neglect to be in your children’s lives. How you interact with them from season to season will change, but raising your children is always at the top of your priorities. 

  3. Prioritize in 90-day increments. Typically we say there are four quarters in a year. Try to choose at least four areas in your life that you want to focus on during the quarter. These are your highest priorities. You can have about two low-level priorities that are important to you and if you get to them you get to them. Put the low-level priorities in your weekly schedule just in case you do have the time to focus on them. Lastly, these priorities need to be specifically stated on a document every quarter. Every day that you wake up in the morning or before the week starts, look at your priorities. 

  4. Assess- After each quarter, you have to have a real talk conversation with yourself. If you do better with accountability, have this conversation with your mentor or coach.

    Ask yourself these important questions.

    1. Did I follow through on paying attention to these areas I said I would focus on?

    2. If I did, what were the three things that helped me stay focused? If I did not, what were the three biggest impediments to staying true to this commitment?

    3. What support or help do I need going forward?

    4. Should I add, remove, or rearrange my priorities for the next 90-days why or why not? 

  5. Transition well. There are times when God will allow you to release something from your hands. Instead of holding on to something that He asked you to let go of, we can hinder our next season by not transitioning well. Do not be so nostalgic or stuck on the past that it hinders your ability to soberly transition well and let certain things go.

At The Purpose Party 2022, we are going to provide you with practical tools and a workbook to help you master BALANCE AND TIME MANAGEMENT!  Where you are going, you need to maximize your capacity to BUILD. 

This year, we have a special guest, Ricky Holloway, who will teach how to carry a God-given vision through the power of prayer!

Learn more about what we will focus on in this 3-hour workshop at tokunbotheleader.com.

Early registration ends soon! I hope to see you in Atlanta, GA, or online!

-Coach Tokunbo 


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